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Lee un libro Contact Dermatitis de Jeanne Duus Johansen,Peter J. Frosch,Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Contact Dermatitis de Jeanne Duus Johansen,Peter J. Frosch,Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin

Descripción - Críticas From the reviews of the fourth edition: 'The very fact that now the 4th edition of Contact dermatitis has been edited gives unambiguous evidence of its highly acknowledged usefulness … . this book is worth each of the 214€ that it costs in Germany. In my personal opinion it is the most up-to-date and comprehensive textbook on contact dermatitis currently available. Therefore, I am convinced that it will rapidly become indispensable for all physicians with more than a superficial interest in contact dermatitis, in clinical practice as well as in research.' (Jochen Brasch, Archives of Dermatological Research, Vol. 298, 2006)'The 4th edition of Contact Dermatitis is a comprehensive textbook covering every conceivable aspect of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis. … The 92 contributors to this book are all well-known experts in their specialist field of contact dermatitis. … Furthermore, a CD-ROM is provided, containing all the clinical photographs and important diagrams, for the reader to use for teaching purposes. With this textbook any reader should be able to understand the modern-day management of contact dermatitis.' (Marléne Isaksson, Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Vol. 87, 2007)From the reviews of the fifth edition:“This is an update of a comprehensive review of contact dermatitis. … Practitioners or residents in the field of dermatology are the intended audience. The authors are renowned authorities in the field. … a useful and comprehensive reference for the field of contact dermatitis and makes a valuable addition to the library of any dermatologist interested in this area. It is one of the most complete and up-to-date books on this subject available today.” (Renata H. Mullen, Doody’s Review Service, March, 2011) Reseña del editor The fifth edition delivers up-to-date coverage of every conceivable aspect in modern-day management of contact dermatitis. Leading experts have thoroughly updated the previous edition, while adding new chapters on genetics, the skin barrier, respiratory symptoms to chemicals and an extensive section on prevention. Both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis are covered with special emphasis on immunological mechanisms, molecular aspects of sensitizers, atypical clinical forms, reactions to medicaments, occupational and environmental aspects. The comprehensive yet approachable text is supplemented by numerous color illustrations and tables. Core messages and case reports highlight the most important information and help in gaining better understanding of the topic and greater competence in daily practice. An extensive dictionary of allergens gives quick access to specific information. Contraportada The fifth edition of Contact Dermatitis covers in detail every conceivable aspect of irritant and allergic contact dermatitis and its modern-day management. Special emphasis is given to immunological mechanisms, molecular aspects of sensitizers, atypical clinical forms, reactions to medicaments, and occupational and environmental factors. In order to optimize the diagnostic approach, a wide range of information is provided, including a dictionary of contact allergens. Retained chapters from the previous edition have been thoroughly revised to reflect the latest knowledge. Furthermore, completely new chapters have been added on a variety of topics, including genetics, the role of the skin barrier, the link between respiratory symptoms triggered by chemicals and contact dermatitis, and prevention. The editors and authors are all leading practitioners in the field. The comprehensive but approachable text is supplemented by a large number of full color illustrations and tables. Core messages highlight the most important information and will help the reader to gain a better understanding of the subject and greater competence in everyday practice.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Contact Dermatitis
  • Autor: Jeanne Duus Johansen,Peter J. Frosch,Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descarga Contact Dermatitis de Jeanne Duus Johansen,Peter J. Frosch,Jean-Pierre Lepoittevin Libro PDF

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Dermatitis por contacto dermatología atlas, diagnóstico en la dermatitis por contacto con irritante, venenata o no inmunitaria, no hay sensibilidad previa la susceptibilidad es individual y puede originarse por irritantes débiles o potentes tóxica, o por factores mecánicos o físicos como frío y calor Dermatitis de contacto francisco grimalt comprar libro dermatitis de contacto de francisco grimalt envío gratis en 1 día desde 19 libro nuevo o segunda mano, sinopsis, resumen y opiniones Dermapixel blog de dermatología cotidiana rosa taberner éste es un libro recopilatorio de los 174 casos clínicos publicados en el blog de dermatología dermapixel www dermapixel desde su creación en febrero de 2011 hasta agosto de 2014, y ordenados por temascon más de 500 imágenes originales, esta obra va dirigida principalmente a profesionales sanitarios interesados por la dermatología

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